Psychological help service for high school students

MindTeen is an online platform that connects students with psychology professionals. It offers online visits, audios, and communication through chats and video calls, as well as being able to arrange face-to-face visits with your psychologist. It is a social project subsidized through an agreement with the Government of Catalonia and the College of Psychologists of Catalonia, to be able to alleviate the alarming figures of anxiety and depression in people between 12 and 18 years old.

The covid has not only caused deaths, it has also affected the mental health of people, especially young people. At such an important age for growing up socially and communicating, they have been isolated and locked in, it has created uncertainty about the future and a feeling of apathy.

Create a free and digital platform that offers psychological support to teenage high school students. Giving visibility to this real problem and providing social value.

Research - User Persona - UX - Prototyping - UI Design - App Branding - Social Media - Copy Writing - UX Writing

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